Did you know that the rich foods in many of our favorite holiday eats, stemming from Thanksgiving all the way to the New Year, are the primary culprit in Americans, on average, adding about
5-10 pounds of weight to their midsections? This is because many times we have trouble slapping our own wrists and keeping away from a second helping of turkey or roast beef, or that whipped cream doused piece of pumpkin pie. Indeed, with these many great foods, tasty beverages and late night celebrations, combined with the decent amount of time that people typically take off from work over the holidays, the pounds can really add up.
Not just in extra, added pounds on the scale come January, but also in the overabundance of toxins that can easily infiltrate your body. When the body has too many toxins, it can really start to take its tolls. This can slow you down, make you overtired, create bad breathe, increase the frequency of headaches, and slow down your body’s ability to metabolize fats and process them. In fact, expert fitness gurus estimate that over the course of ten years, the average American gains about
50 pounds of extra weight just because they never followed through with their
New Year Resolution of losing weight that they gained over the holidays.
Did you know that an all-natural colon cleanse like
Colopril will help you to lose 5-10 pounds within the first few weeks; by gently purging impacted fecal matter that can really hamper your digestive tract?
Colopril also thoroughly cleanses bodily toxins, contributing to clearer and smoother skin in a matter of a few weeks. And it contains a proprietary blend of all-natural, plant-based ingredients like Cascara Seed, a natural laxative; and Psyllium seed—which aids in the function of waste-elimination in the intestines to allow for a gentle, entirely safe and all-natural colon cleansing.
So after the holidays, check off a
Colopril Colon Cleanse as your first order of business in the New Year, and get your body back on track for an
excellent start!