Did you know that by not getting enough rest at night that you can really disturb your body’s natural pattern? Conclusive studies by experts over the years have revealed that those who sleep less at night are more prone to illnesses, diseases and even depression. This is because the body and the brain balance themselves at night, when we are resting. This sleep period is where our bodies adjust our natural algorithms through sleep-induced REM – rapid eye movement. When this natural pattern of healing and adjustment becomes interrupted for too long, bad things can happen. Even simple things like digestion can become affected, and abnormal weight gain for those who suffer from insomnia is fairly common. Read below and see what the top three reasons to be well rested are.
Top Three Reasons to Be Well Rested1. Better health and vitality. A good night’s sleep is just what the doctored ordered, it allows your body to rest, recharge and better defend itself against diseases and illnesses.
2. Happiness. In-depth studies have concluded that the chemical imbalances in the brain that contribute to depression are far less in those who are well rested.
3. Brain optimality. Your brain and your entire mental capacity functions better on more sleep – including important decision making processes.
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