In a question and answer portion of the popular online news portal, CNN.com, in a November 7th, 2009 publication, Mental Health Expert Dr. Charles Raison, Psychiatrist,
Emory University Medical School, cites frequent bouts of depression and the treatment of them as such:
“Our best official data suggest that about 15 percent of American adults will experience a major depressive episode during their lifetimes. However, if you have one episode of depression, the chance of having a second episode increases to 50 percent. That is a 300 percent increase in risk, and it shows the tremendous effect that depression has on the brain and the body. If you've had two episodes of depression, your chances of having a third episode increase to 75 percent. Once you've had three or more episodes of depression, your chances of becoming depressed again approach 100 percent.
As dismal as these figures are, recent studies suggest that they are overly optimistic because they are based on people retrospectively reporting their experiences. I don't need to tell you how much people forget about their own pasts. Studies that have followed normal people prospectively find much higher rates of depression. For example, one very well-designed study from New Zealand that has followed 1,000 people from birth onward has reported that almost half of all people experience a major depression by age 30 (which doesn't surprise me at all, thinking back on my own lonely college experience). A long-running study conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health has observed that 100 percent of patients who entered the study with a depressive episode in the late 1970s have had at least one depressive relapse in the intervening years." (Source: Internet, 2009; CNN.com; Health section.)
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