We have always said RUBBISH to this nonsense!
A diet pill is an AIDE to your weight loss, not the actual method of weight loss itself.
Now, these lying diet pill brands, many which have already been pulled from store shelves by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) for using banned and illegal ingredients, are finding themselves facing another necessary civil battle in federal court.
In a November, 2009 RBR.com publication, the article, which is entitled, “FTC goes after diet pills,” cites,
“The FTC summarized the complaints, saying, “The defendants made claims such as ‘eat all you want and still lose weight’ and, ‘And we couldn’t say it in print if it wasn’t true!’ on product packaging, on the Internet, and in widely read magazines such as Redbook, Star, and Family Circle.”
The article further says,
“The government alleges that these defendants made claims that their product would allow you to ‘eat all you want and still lose weight’ without a reasonable basis,” added Tony West, Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice’s Civil Division. “Claims like these are harmful to both the health and pocketbooks of those who use these supplements. Working with our partners at the Federal Trade Commission, we will continue to challenge unlawful advertising claims.”
With Phenocal diet pills you will get the truth!
We offer you a natural and side effect-free way to boost your energy, increase your metabolic rate and enjoy a faster, safer method of achieving your weight loss when combined with proper diet and exercise.
Learn more at www.Phenocal.com
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